Welcome 2017, Happy New year loves xx

Dear 2016, you've been good to me.
I've received a lot of unexpected blessings, projects, and I've met a lot of good people that taught me how to live life to the fullest. I've experienced ton of happy and stressful to depressing moments, that surely gave me a lesson. --

The best lesson that I've learned this year,
Don't depend on others for your happiness, you'll get hurt in the long run.

I know its kinda late to greet you "Happy New Year" I just realized that I haven't updated my blog such a long time and I don't remember last time I sit down in the front of my computer and work on it Hahaha. Well, I just wanna share that I have resigned from my current job three weeks ago and now I started my training in my new company.

Photos by: Bed Awa-ao
To everyone, reading it right now. Thanks for being part of my 2016!

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